Taking orders for 2025
Welcome to WVhoneybees.com.
Located in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia in Berkeley Springs, Morgan County, WV, we focus on honey, nucs (nucleus honey bees), and queens when they are available.
Our bees produce delicious wildflower honey!
We are about 2 hours from Washington, DC, Baltimore, MD, Morgantown, WV, Harrisonburg, VA, and Altoona, PA.
When you pick up your Nuc from us: we will go through it frame by frame, show you the queen, eggs, larvae, and capped brood. We want you to be comfortable with your purchase before you head out.
We offer a personal 3-hour one-on-one beginners beekeeping class (bring a friend) at our location and a 4-hour hands-on bee class, working in our bee yard doing inspections and other tasks needed in the bee yard at that time. This will be arranged for a mutually agreed-upon time.
If you are interested in our bees and have questions, please contact us for additional information or browse our site and shop for bees.
We suggest you join our email list.
Thank you again for visiting WVhoneybees.com